286 r 3. M®- tive. Pauls ConPerfion. when that is done, yet more will be defired;as the fire the bigger it growes , the more fewell it re- quires to teed it , and fo there will bee no end : but it will grow in infinirnm , and infinitely, till it bath drawne you into perdition : therefore there is no way , but to put it cleane our,and to quench every fparke; to give no fewell to it at all, nor fo much as to gaze upon unmeere object s, elfe (hall you never bee free from the vexation and tyranny of it:but rather fake deeper and deeper,like a man in a quicke -land. Lec this moove you to hate finne. The thirteenth Motive , to move you to hate finne, is, becaufe finne will make you to come weeping home, if ever you come ; but if you do not come home, then, as the A pofale faith, your damnation fleepeth not ; the longer you goe,the nee - rer you are to hell, and further from God. And therefore it is better for you to come weeping at WI, then not at all ;and who went ever out from God, that fometimes had injoyed tellowfhip with him, but they have conic home by the weeping erode : for in this cafe God commonly drives them home with ftormes, if they bee fuch as belong unto him. Hence the way es of the Saints are Paid to bee hedged in with thurnes ; if they keepe the right way, it is (month and plaine, but it they (kp afide, they will mette with thornes that will pricke and gall them : the Scripture is full ofex am ples : in D avid ,in salomon,in Manaffef, in Paul,in Peter. L' t:this mauve you to hate fi,:ine. The