Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converfion. The fourteenth Motive , to move you to hate finne, is, becaufe you can never have aty true con- tent , fo long as you love finne and live in it : as for example; Let a man but looke backe unto former timesbefore he was called,and fee whether he ever found fo much contentment in any thing, as bee doth now , if his heart be perfed towards God, when hee walker more exaétly with him. Againe, whether it hath not beetle wearifome and reftleffe, to have his heart drawee forth to vanitie, and led up and downe with divers Tufts : This was Davids praEtice, I remembred my forrowings in the night, and in the times of old,what joy I was wont to finde in thee:every man would live a con- tented life, and it is wearifome unto nature to live in difcontent; now that you may have true con- tent, hate finne. The fifteenth Motive , to moove you to hate finne, is, becaufe finne will at the laft , whether you will or no,make you to confeffe, and fay, that you have done very foolithly ; I fay, never any man committed finne , but it brought him in the end to fay , as David laid, in 2 Sam. 24. io. I have done very foolifhly : and, to exprefle rhis,that fpecch of Salomon is moil excellent, Ecclef. 7. 15. I fet my felfe to know the wickedneffe of folly, and the foolífhnefé of madneffe; as if hee could nót futl^iciently , or eafily exprcife it , that finne will make a man to fee, that there is nothing but folly in fame at gait : and in i Tim. 6. 9. finne is called, foolifhneffe : hence then, it is extreame folly to QA 2 com- 287 14. Mo- tive. rç. Mo- tive. n Sam. z¢.XO. L-ccicC.;. 25. t Tim,6.9.