Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

z88 r6.Mo- tive. Pauls Cosverfos. commit the lead finne ; it is good to oppofe this conclufion againfl all the reafóns of Saran, That wee will nor lime, because it will bee our folly. : and if wee cannot anfwer in particulars , Jet us anfwer him in the general], that wee will not yeild to any. It may bee, hee will tell you, that you (hail gaine fame profit, or pleafure, or fweer- nefi`e, or commodity by finning: but if you can bring your hearts, not ro beleeve this, you will never doe it; and fay, the Scripture tels us,thar it is extreame folly to doe fo, and wee (hail find it to be fo,therefore we will not : Let this move you to hate finne. The fixteenth motive, to move you to hate finne, is, becaufe firme will take you away from God, and God from you; and therefore that muff needs bee an evil] thing , and worthy to bee hated of you, that will deprive you of God ; it is the terribiefl thing in the world, to have God taken away from a man : that which makes a man to loofe any thing that he loves , is hated of him as for example, a man that loves and refpeds his credit, hee had rather loofe any thing then that; it is a great griefe unto him, to be difgraced : to a rich. man that loves his riches, it is a griete to part with them, and therefore hee doth hate a theife: fo it is the flaying of the foule to part with God ; a holy man had rather part with wifeand children, riches, pleafures, and friends,and life it kife, then part with God ; and therefore it is, that in every regenerate man, there is bred by the fpirir a loa- thing