Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converfion. 28t thing of all fnne: if you would not then part with God, hate firne; God and Mammon can- not abide together no more then light and darke- neffe. Now ifthefe will not move you to hate finite, then confider fame motives to move you to hate it in regard of God. Firft, confider that God doth take notice of all that you doe,hee fees into the fecret corners of your hearts, and makes adiligent fearch : I know thy thoughts a farre off, ( faith God) and hee knowes the intent of your hearts. Revel. 3. 8. I know your worker, and patience, and fo forth, I take notice of them, I knew them before you did ad them; therefore in every aftion that thou goeft a- bout,fày,now God fees me what I am doing, and hee known what 1 intend to doe:it Rands me up- on to carry my felfe uprightly in this action, leaft hee meete with me : for he is a God of pure eyes,; and cannot beare with evill in his owne. YOU know what hee faid unto Nathaniel, John I.48. I knew thee, before i taw thee : that is, thou marvair left how I came to know thee;but marvel' not for. I did not onely know thee, but I alto know thy heart; therefore confider this,that God fees you, and takes notice of your aions and thoughts. A- gaine, confider that fo much fine, fo much feed, and the more feed, the greater harveft ; the more finne, the more punifhment: therefore labour to hate rune. I. Motive. Rev'ei.;. 9. I Ioh, 48. Secondly, confider that when God doth {hike ( cl 3 for 2. Motive.