Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

2,90 Revel.z. to. 3. Motive. Pauls Conver ion. for Anne, his wrath is exceeding bitter and terri- ble : for ifit were not for the wrath of God that followeth finne, afflictions would not bee fo bit- ter: and therefore the Lord faith unto the Church. Rev.2. T o. Feare none ofthofe things which thou /halt finer: that is,fare them nor,for that which makes them terrible, thall not be mingled with them, which is my wrath : for it is nor afllidtions that are bitter, but fanne in the afflictions that makes them bitter, therefore let this make you to hate Panne, that you may efcape the wrath, and ven- geance of God. Thirdly, confider that the longer God ¡byes from affli ling of (inners ; the greater and terri- bier (hall the ftroke be when it comes, and there- fore it were better for thee , that haft no intereft in Chrift , that hee would ftrike prefently , then deferre it longer, that fo thy punifhment may bee the lefler: in cílmos S. faith God, I will flrike at once, and I will not /Irike the fecond time, that is, when I doe ftrike I will ftrike fo that I (hall not need to ftrike the fecond time, and thus the Lord faid unto Eli : in z Sam. 3. verf 2. When I begin I will make an end , and this is the greateft punifhment that the Lord can ir,fli1 againft any firmer; it is as if he fhould have faid, I will not begin to afHii& them and then ceafe, and give them fpace of repentance but I will make an end,that is,I will c`oe it in a moment, on a fud- den; I will but make one workeof it, I will be- gin, and I will finial it in an inftant, and this wee fee