Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converftots. ( 291 fee the Lord did upon Hephni and Phineau : there- fore let thismoove you to hate finne. Thus much for this point. e4nd hee Paid, Arife, andgoe into the Citie, and it.hall bee told thee, what thou .halt doe. The point is this, that Chritl is exceeding mer- cifull, and exceeding ready to fpeake mercy unto thole that are truly humbled. I gather it thus, Paul was here ílrucken downe with an apprehenfion of finne , and being thus exceedingly humbled in the fihr of his francs, Chrifl meets him upon the plyablenefhe of his will, with a word of comfort, (Arife) : this word is full of comfort , for it is as if hee Mould have Paid, Paul bee not too much and call downe at the apprehenfion of thy fianes, as if there were not aboundanc mercie in mee to par - don it, but arife, that is, goe,and I will thew thee whatthou (halt doe,ro fave thine owns foule ; and it (hall be told thee, what thou (halt doe for mee, but feare not, bee of good comfort: now that Chrift is full of mercy wee will proove it by Scripture,c_mattth. 11.28. Lome unto mee all that are weary and heavy laden, and I will cafe you : in thefe words, there are three things. Firíl, the conditi- ons of the perlons that mutt come, and thole are fuch as are weary and heavy laden. The fecund thing is the qualification of the perlons that are truly weary, and heavy laden : firft, they mutt be rneekc -: fecondly, they mutt be lowly : the third `thing is, the patterne or teacher of them, and that s DoUrine.