29% ( Pauls Converfion. is Chrifl .; the bell, the holiefl , and wifeft Tea - cher in the world : learn of Mee, I am ready to teach all, and to upbraid no man : and then in the laft place, the thing that they mull doe;they mull take Chrifls yoke, and fo they fhall be rid of their burxhen; the fumme of it is this, if you bee wea- ry and heavy laden with your firms, and have a defire to be eafed, it is no more, but come unto Chrift, and hee will cafe you : that is, if you be heavy laden with finne, Chrifl is ready to take off your burthen, and to put upon them the eafie yoke of obedience and holinefhe. Againe, in Efa. 57. I dwell in the high and mightie place, with him alfo , that is of a contrite and broken Jbirit, that is, there is but two places that God delights to dwell in, the one is in heaven , and the other place is,in a humbled heart : now furely,hee will not dwell there where he loves not : for to dwell notes a fpeciall pretence with them, that is, bee will not onely dwell in the heart , but hee will make his prcfence to comfort the heart ; and a- gaine, in Efa. 66. I will bee neere unto them that are humble, and that tremble at my words; that is,I will take a fpeciall care of them that are humble: this readineffe of Chrifl to receive finners, is excel- lently fet forth in the parable of the Prodigall How readily did the father receive a rebellious childe ; even fo ready; and much more ready is Chri& to receive finners that are humbled : an ex- ample we have in David, how ready was God to pardon David: great íiune,.wheri hehad humbled. himfelfe;