Pauls Con ,erfion. himfelfe; and the fame we fee in Peter ,and fo here in Pod.The reafons of this point are thefe. The firíf reafon is, becaufe mercy pleafeth him, as it is in Micha: I will pardon your tranfgreffions, becaufemercy pleafeth mee,that is,he delights ro thew mercy to finners,and what man will not wil- lingly doe any thing that pleafeth him. The fecond reafon , becaufe mercy is naturali unto Gad , that is, it is his nature, for although mercy be a qualitie in us, yet it is a nature in God, and what man will not willingly doe any thing that is agreeable unto his nature. The 3d. reafon is,becaufe God is rich in mercy ; a man that is rich, he will not refpeet the giving ofa (mall gift; but he will give liberally & bountiful - ly,and it is for his credit to doe thus :now ifit bee thus with men, then how much more with God, becaufe he is the Store- houfe,& hath the fountain in himfelf ;and therfore it (lands with his honor to give liberally, to be rich in mercy to his children. The fourth reafon is,becaufe God is our Father, and you know a ficher hath a tender affection over his children, and if it be thus with m n , then it is much more with God towards his children; thou need(l not ro feare the miffing of his mercy , if thou be one of Gods children. The confideration of this, that God is excee- ding mercifull, fhould draw us dole unto God, that is,is God merciful!, then let us run unto him; this hoping of mercy, fhould Winne us to come unto him;for what is that which makes a Traylor, R r or 293 r. Reafan. 2.-R eal n. 3. Reafon. 4.,Reafon. I. Yfe.