Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

294 Pauls Conrerfion. or a Malefactor after Hue and cry, to corne in and lay downe the armes of Rebellion, but the Pro- clamation ofcnercyr and in hope of this he comes in; Therefore when you heare that Chrift is ex- ceeding mercifull, then come in : only lay downe the armes of rebellion, and you fhall finde mercy. oójetE. objeft. Oh but faith fome, I would willingly come unto Chrift, but alas, my fìnnes are fo ma- ny, and fo great, that I fore Chrift will not re- ceive mee. nfw. Anfw. To this I anfwer; what if thy finnes be exceeding great and many, yet they are not Infi- nite, that is, they doe not exceed the price payed for them. But God is Infinite in mercy,and there - fore exceeds all thy fi mes. Againe,confider the a- bilitie and power of God, hee is able to make thee cleane,and purge thee from all iniquitie; and there- fore feare not the greatnefíe of thy finnes:onely la- bour to find the condition, faith, in thee: and then come and take of Chrift freely. 1. , fen Secondly, if God be exceeding mercifull, then let men take heed , that they wrong not them - felves in regard of falvation by the neglect of thole meanes,whereby grace is got:that is,ler men be humble, and then let them know, that Chrift is mercifull : And that you may not put off repen- tance, and the getting ofgrace, confider there par- ticulars. i. Melpe. The firít thing is this, take the time and oppor- tunirie when grace is offered, that is, it will bce. good for you to ftrike while the Iron is host, and