Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converfaon. and grinde while the winde blowes , and faile when there is a faire gale ; fo it is good to follow the fpirit in its motion : for as there is a time when the fpirit is offered , fo there is a time when the fpirit may bee got, and therefore it is that this time is fo infifted upon fo often in Hebrews 3. To day if yee will hare hi, voice, &c. that is, there is a time when God wil not be found of us,though wee would give a world to have but one motion of the fpitit againe, one moment of repentance, one cffer of grace, but you (hall not : well then, now you have the time and oportunitie, that is, the day of falvation ; I 'oar you Chrift and fal- nation, and you may have him if you will but re- ceive him, that is , if you will but filter him to rule in your hearts, ifyou will but acknowledge him to bee your Lord and King; you fhall have him whatfoever thou art, or haft been for the time pall ; only ifyou will be a new man for the time to come : but if you will not receive Chrift now, but refute him,there (hall a time come,wben thou wouldeft receive him , but then thou fhalt not. Remember the five foolifh Virgins, c71alth. 25. They were Phut out of the marriage chamber, and fo maift thou, if thou now refute him. Secondly , confider that repentance is not in thine owne power, that is, it is a turning of the heart and calling of a man into a new mould, the letting of the heart in a right way, and withall know, that there is a falfe repentance : Cain, and Fro, and tudac repented, as well as Patti and Peter i R r i and 295 2. Help.