Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDear4ne 0-Mortification.' 75 whena Chri(Han is thusgrounded, hee is able todif cerne things of a contrary nature therefore bring them unto the triall, and themore you try fpirituall things by a fan&ïfied judgement, the mere excellent theywill appeare ; but ifthey be not fpirituall things, the moreyou looke uponthem, the bafer they feeme to Thirdly, if you would geta loathing of earthly 3 things, then labour to keepe a confiant and diligent A confirm watchover your hearts ; for when a man fetshis heart Wa ch'p'gerr andmind uponearthly things, they will workecare- zhe beam lefneffeand remifnef fe of better things ; it fo pof feffeth his heart with feare, that heealtogether negle- &eth fpirituall things ; it will make theecareleifein prayer, andother holy duties. Takeheede therefore of filling thy heart with earthly things,for it willtake away therellifh offpirituall things ; and if once the fweetneffeofthem be gone, thou wiltmake fmall ac count ofthem : Take heedoftoomuch pleafure,for then youwill r_egled prayer in private. and take heed ofabundance ofriches,for theyhaueadrawingpower in them:And herewhat Chritl fpakeunto the Church ofSmyrna, Rev.3.8,9.1 know thornartr'ch,&mac. maybe Rev.3.s,,; faid.untoyou, I know youare rich, by the great la- bour ye take after theriches : men take much paines .forthe getting and keeping of earthly things, then how muchmor: fhould they labour to get and keepe fpirituallthings; labour tokeepe your hearts in tune, labour to keepe a rellifh of fpirituall things in your hearts, and expell whatfoever is contrary unto it : Take heedofimmoderate loveof riches, pleafure, or honour ; take heed that you incroach not upon the L z _ Sabbath,