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The D3t1rini ofMortáfa'cttsorn. 77 lofe eternall life. Thus Faith overcomes our inordi nateañe pons to theworld, and makes us heavenly minded. The fecondmeanes, ifyouwouldget heavenly min- z dedneffe,is this,you mutt labour for H:.militie . this is Htirn1icÿ.' that:which the Apofile Iarnes exhorts us unto, 'Íarn,.. lam 86 8. clerfeyour handsyouinners, andprifieyour hearts you double ininded;and thenhumbleyour f íves,c,zJtyourfelves do,rne,and theLordvilmireyou up.Wherewe maynote, thatbefore our hearts&hands canbe clenfed,we muff be calf downe.. This we may fee in theparableofthe Sower,Luk.8.S. twoofthe forts of ground werenot fit receive feed becaufe they werenot humbled, and therfore the Wordhad not that effect in themas it had inthofe thatwerehumbled,plowed,andhadthe clods .broken.It is withanhumble foule,as it iswithan hun- gryand thirfyman ; tell himofgoldand flyer, lice cares not for it, onely givehim meatand drinke, for that is the thing he moft defires,anditandsmatt inneed ofor like a condemned man,tel himoflands andpof- fèffìóns, heeregards themnothingat all ; fornothing willfatisfie him buta pardon : fo it is witha Chriftian thatis humbled and calf downeunder the fenfe of the wrarh' of God for finne 3 tell himof any thing in the world in the moft learned andexcel'lenteft man-' ner that poflibiy you can,, yet nothing will fitisfie him but the love and favour of God in Chrift, hee can relli!h nothing but heavenly things ; no- thing, will quench his thirft but the imputed righ- teoufneffe of Chrift. Thus you fee that Humili- tie is an excellent meanes' unto heavenly minded- nef L 3 The