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7heDoarineofMortification: 79 dednëfle, is this, Labour toget a fight into the ..ill_ fug A fglt into frciencie ofGod: Remember what the Lord faid unto the All tuffi- Abraham, IamGodAll-fic ff cient; ,ralkebefore me andbee God. y °'f uprifht. God is an All-fufficient God for generali Gen.' 7.z. good ; things of this life are at the beft but particu. largood ; as health is a particular good agaïnft liick- neffe, wealthand richesa particular good againft po- verty, honour andcredit a particular good againftdif- grace ; but God is agenerall good, and the fountaine of all goodneffe : other things are but created, like cifternes, that good theyhave isput in them ; there- fore the Lordcomplaines ofthepeople, Ier.2.13. They Ier,t.i a. have forfakenme thefountaineof living waters, and have digged to themfelves Ciflernes that will boldnosvater; that is,they have forfaken God the fountaine ofall good, and have chofen unto themfelves the creatures, that have nomoregood than that whichcomes fromGod, thefountaine : As a man that forfakes afountaine that continually runnes, and betakeshimfelfe toacrack'd Cifterne that bathno water but that which commeth from the fountaine, and is all() fubjec`I to lofe his wa- ter ; fo when men fet their hearts on earthly things, they forfakeGod whois All-fufficient for them, and feeke tohis Creatures whichare infufficient and una- ble to helpe themfelves : therefore you ought to thinkeof there things to theend youmaybe heaven- lyminded. Thefifthmeaner to get heavenly mindednefle, is S this, ToRemember f romwhence thouartfallen, Rev.2. ArceM 5 brance frog this is for thofe that have beene heavenlyminded,at?d whence we now are earthly minded. It is with many Chriítiansé fZllsna as it iswith the thadow on the Diaii, the Sunne paf- Sfrnile, feth,