Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDeanneofMortific4tiot S; thebenefit ofthis change, they would beemoreeafily perfwaded to leaveearthlymindedneíle. The fecondMotive,to move all men to leaveearth- ly mindedneffe , is , becaufe there is no fiveetneffe Nnfweetneffe . ewthly in thefe earthly memrmbers; there is an infutficieacie in things, them, they cannot give any true content to the heart . ofaman ; and that they cannot doe ir, this iscleareby twoparticulars : Firíl, this arifeth from the mutabili- tieofthe things ; Secondly,it arifethfrom thedifpo.s. fitionoftheperfons. Firll, I fay, theycan give no true content unto the heart ofa manorwoman, becaufethey are mutable, n e atti`Y andfubjet to change : now you know that all earth- ly things are mutable, they have a timeofbeing, and a time ofnot being : let theheartof aman or woman be fet upon anyof thefe earthly things, and the lofl"e of it will bring greaterforrow ofhearr,byhow much more hehath fet his heart upon them ; if immode rately, then the forrow is the greater; ifmoderately, the forrowis the leife ; but if he let his whole heart uponany thing, whether it bee hisriches, orhis ho- nour,. or his pleafure, the loífe thereof will caufe much forrow ofheart : now it is onely grace that gives truecontent untoa Chrillian ; fpirituall things they changenot, they areconflant, immutable, and permanent, as juftification, Remiffionoffinnes, and Reconciliation,thefe arenotfubjeduntoany change, theycannot beloll ; for when the heart is fet upon h::avenly things, the comfort cannot bee removed; becaufe the caufe ofthat comfort continues. Now comfortinChrifl is the truecontent ofthe foule, and therfore where Chritl is byhisgrace in the hearr,there is content, z Second-