g TheDeEr rieofMortification: 2 Secondly, Ifay, theycan giue notrue content untoa $etaufe of mars orwoinan, if wee confider the condition and the purcondition difpotìtionofthe petfons,and that twowayes : firff,if weconfider them asgoodmen,and fobelong toGod; or fecondly,ifweconfider them asbad men,and fo not belongingunto God, we (hall fee that outward things cannot. yeeldany trice content untoeither. Firff,ifthey begood men,andfobelongunto God; Nether ye° therecannot be fuch fweetnefïe in them as to give g°Od' truecontent unto the foule. For manytimes theyarea caufe;or at leaft ameans todrawaffiktions fromGod upona man : for God is jealor.sGod; that is,a Godha- tingfpirituall Idolatrie.Now when the heart ofaman or womanis immoderately let upon, when, Ifay, his heart runs a whoring from God afterearthlythings, whether it beeafterriches, honour, orpleafure, the Lordwill bee lure tomeet with him, andwhiphim home for it: As we fee inDavidandEly; ifDQVid«rill fet his heart uponAbfalom, the Lord will bee lure to meet withhis Abfalom above X11 the reft; if Elywill notcorrect his fonnes,but let them difhonour thewor- lhip &ferviceofGod,Godvil corred themhimfelfe. And thisarifethfrom thenature ofGod;for Godloath a fatherlycare overhis children, and therefore will notfiiffer them tofoile themfelves with the things of theworld,nor theiraffedions to be drawne away;and therefore theApofftlefaith, that he chaJtfetheveryTonne whom he loth receive ; that is, ifamanor awoman doe belong unto God, they Ihall be lureofforrowandof flietion ; and thefeare fens unto them to weavethem from the thingsof this world, to purge outoftheir itearts thatfweetneffe that theyare ready to conceive io