Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Doarine ofMortificatioñ, 85 in thefeoutward thingsby reafon of that corruption that is in them. Secondly,if they be wickedmen anddoe not belong 2 untoGod,yetthere fhall beno fweetneffe in them¡for Wicked, ifhcbenot regenerate,ouward things are notfandifi- ed,&where theyare notfandified aman or awo- man,no fweetnes canbeexpe&ed fromthem: And the reafon is, becaufe they havenot peaceof confcience, which proceeds fromgrace. Now howfoeverworld- lymen may feemeto the world tohave true content, and tobe filledwith joy,yet the truthis,itisa fickrjoy; for their confciences are ever accufingofthem, and they areinaçontinual feare that they (hall lofeonean- other : therefore the Lord will be Pure toaffiit them, pfa. 55. I9.the Lordwill heaveandaffliil theft heca r they rfa1.; rsti have nochanges; therfore theyfearenot Gol: therforedoff thou fee a wicked manprofperin theworld,and is not fubject to fuck croffes & loffes as othermenare, it isa foulefine that that man loth not belongunto God, butis onewhomGodbath appointedunto damnation: The nature For this is thenatureofearthlymindednes, it cats out of earthly of theheartthefeare ofGod inan unregenerateman mitadds,ei nowwhere Godsfeare isnot,Gods gracewil not help. that man.But this is not ufual;for theLordmolt com- monlymeets with them here either byAiding of judgements uponthem,orelfewith luddendeath; but ifhee doe not meetwith themhere, it is becaufetheir judgements maybe the greater, that when they have heaptup themeafure oftheir finne,thenGod wil heap up the meafure of their punifhment, and the mea- fureof his wrath, to prefe them down unto hell. Nowwhet if God deferre the a ,ecution of judge- ßví, 3 xnent,'