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I ret.3.10. x 5an1,3:1 S. 3 No fa1v: don with them. $6 TheDoa ine o fMortification. ment, it isnot becaufe there is any flackneffe inGod, as ifhe didnot,regard them,but theApoftle faith,that tis his Patience, r Pet. 3.20. bee takes noticeof it, bee puts it uponiecord, hee remembers well enough, buthe is apatient God ; that is, he wafts for their con- verfion. Now patience, is an attributeof God, and every attributeof God is God hin felfe ; for thereic nothing that is inGodbttt it is God: Patience,I fay, isone of the Attributes by which Gdd bath madehimfelfe knowne untous : nowwhenmenabufe this Attribute ofGod, hardning themfelves from his feare,hee will certainly meet withthem : what and if God doede- ferre long e it is not becaufe heefhall efcapeunpuni- fhed ; for .faith God, Whenrbegan,'willmake an ende that is, I will firike but once, they fhall haveno more timefor repentance, they (hall not abufe my patience anymore. This is afearefull Judgement ofGod,when Goddoth proceed by profperitie to deftroy them and it was the judgement the Lord threatnedagainft the twoTonnes ofEly, Hop.hnt andPhineas, r Sash. 3, 22* Thusyoufee there is no fweetnelfein outward things for aman toPet his heart upon them. The third Motive, to move all men to leave their earthlymindedneffe, is, becaufe ifamanor woman be earthlyminded,theycannot bePaved : and who is there amongfi us that would nor willinglybe Paved e All mendoe&firefalvation,and yet thereare but few that in truthdoe delire it, becaufe their praéice of life is not anfwerable to Inchadefire; for the Apoflie faith, He that bathth s hope,purgeth himfelfe ; that is, bee will take fpirituall Phylicke, the grace oftheSpirit,which will throughlypurge out this earthlymindedneffc, or at