90 TheDo5lrine ofMorti4catíon: this fatisfies her ; but Thee hath not him alone, but with him Thee hath Grace, Jutttfication, and Remifli- on of firmes ; one fpiriruall gracewith Chrift makes 3,Chriftian happy, heeneeds not to labour for any o- ther ; ifChrift bein theheart,hee will drawall grace withhim into the heart : and therefore theApoftle faith, flee that gaveos Chrt , will withhiregive us all things elfe : that is, all grace that wee (hall ftand in needof. Thirdly, Martha was troubled, butaboutearthly im- ployments,things of littlemoment in companion of grace : but Maries was for theonething needfull ; name- ly, grace andholineffe, and thereforeChrift called it thebeltpart; and indeedwhatcompanion is there be.. tweene earthly thingsand grace. Fourthly, Martha'spartis but of corruptible things, fubjet tochange ; they were mutable, therewas no , folidneffe in them; but manes part (hail neverbee taken, awayfromher : Nowwithmen, that which will en. dure the longeft, is aiwayes efteemed thebeft : Maries (hall never be taken away ; which implyes that Me- thiswas,nothing fo, becaufe it wasfet in oppofition oe 6'8'ß"' opened, againftit. Thus you feehowChrift judges ofahem, a} and therefore ifyou will beleeve Chrift, fpirituall things are the belt part., Againe,Luk.16.8,9,Io,11 there are foutedifferences fet downe betweene earth- ly things .a td heavenly things, wherebyChrift proves that heavenly things are the belt parr.Firf},theymake usunrighteous, and therefore theyarecalledunrigkte- sweMonrnon, verf. 8. they draw the affèhtions away fromGod,and thenaman becomesunrighteous ; but that which makesus truly righteous, isgrace; fo then