5 All things ere at Gods cliipofing, Ffa13'Lrd. 92 TheDoairisréofMortification: thefoxesofGodby faith in¡eft ; but theother makes us the childrenof the devill: And thethird reafon, is, becaufehe rewardeth heavenlymindedneffc withfal- vation,but theother hedothnot reward. The fifthMotive to move all mento forfakeearth lymindedneffe, (if noneof all thefe before fpoken ofwillmove thee, yet let this move thee) is this, be- calif: all things are at Gods difofing; hec it is (as the Wife-man faith) that gives riches and honour, poverty andavant; all things are of God, there is nothing in earth, but it isfirft inheaven: as the ecclipfe of Sunne is firnt in heaven, and then in the water and land ; fo there is nothing that comes to paffe in the world, butit was in heaven before all eternitie.This David confeffeth, Pfal. 31. 15. Theyhave laida frAare for mee, but my times arein thy hands : thatis, they have laid a trappe to take away my life from mee, but it was flint decreed in heaven with thee what they fhould doetomee, all things come from God, whe- ther theybe good things orbad, whether they come immediately from God, as life, health, joy, falvation, or the like ; or whether they come mediately byo- ther meaner, as friends, wealth, pleafure, fckneffe, furrow, or the like : when thouart fad,wh ocan com- fort thee ifGod will not.' when thou artficke,whocan heale thee? when thou art going to hell, whocan fave thee e Art thou weake, who can ftrengthen thee e Art thoupoore, who canenrich thee t' Preferment ( faith .David) comesneitherfrom theEaft, norfrom the Weft, but fromGodthat fberveth mercie : Art thou in favour with agreatirian, Who promoted thee e, Art thou inho- nour,Whoexalted thee Perhaps thou wilt fay,it was my