Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

'The Contents; Heavenlysnisdednef is the trorkeo fanew life ina /1to}wn; Heavenly mindedne(e admits tncreafe in knowledge, P. 5a The Pnderflanding the feat ofheavenly mindedncfe, P53 Anerslightne,' une erftanding communicates its to the nil ofthe faculties ; Y . By takingaway the letsuntogood, p. 54 2. By witbflandingtlemotions ofinordinatepfiions, ibid., 3. By layingopen the vilene eofinordinate affeelions, ibid. 4. By rulingandguiding them, p 55 VS E I. To reprovefilch asfavour earthly mindednefré, or inox; dinateaffec`lions, ibid: lteafnsagainfl earthly mindedneffi, are I. In refpea ofmen ; I. It takes away theexcellency ofthecreature, p. 56 2. it wounds the foule, p. 57 I I. InrefpeaofGod lifts isupfpirituall Idelatfy in theheart, P. 58 III. Inrefned of Profellbrs It is unbefeming them, and makes them like Swine, P.59 Great difference betsreene thebackflidingof theSaints and o f the wicked, p. 6o Backfliding in theSaints is caufid, z. By hollow ha rtedreefi. 2. By evilexample 'final. 3. By remouallfront under apon'erfulminiflery.p.61 41