Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

7`heDor?rrneofMortification; 95 them for the right end, that is, Gods glory, and not thine end tofatisfie thy lufts, let them bee allat Gods difpofing : and remember, Lrak, r 6. what became of the richmansend, and the end ofall his ends. Ifpeake not this as ifnowbut unregeneratemen were troubled . with immoderatecares ; formany times thedeareft of Godschildren have exceffive cares for earthly things, andmany times doe exceed their bounds, but yet it is . not confiant but by fits and away. Therefore try, is . thy exceffivecare confíant it is amanifeft figne that thou art earthly minded, thou art notas yet crucified unto theworld : r Tim.6.9,ro. the .Apof{ le faith,They ITim 6 9,Iob that 'oddbe rich,pierce themfelves thermwith many far- rows : that is, they flay themfelves , theyare their owne greatefl enemies : and 2 Pet.2.I2.Saint Petercals s Pet.2-tz. themmilord/bruitbee s, led with fenfualitie becaufe whenmenfet theirhearts and affeetionsuponearthly things, they aredeprived"of naturall reafon now the reafon, weeknow,;is that which makes the difference betwixt reafonable and unreafonable creatures, and thereforewhen men come to lofe their underftan- dings, then they become bruitbeaf}s ; andthen no marvell iftheyhave beaftly affeéions, and bee led a- way with fenfuality, toa fatisfyingof their lufls, be- ingmad to be takeningivingway unto their lufis, and infnaring themfelves with thole pleafures wherein they bee delighted,and fo make themfelves a prey un- to Satan. Secondly, you fhall know it ifyou exceed in your pleafureand recreations, as gaming, andbowling,and (porting ; grant theybee lawfull, yet iftheybee ufed exceffively iris anote ofearthlytnindedneffe. 'Recre- ation