Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

"Too ; TheDoctrineofMortiption. the Inditer, theholySpirit ; or the matter ofit,Chriff and his righteoufneffe. Againe,theftile the Spirit ufes in lettingdowne thephrafes oldie Scripture, fhewes plainlythat it is excellent ofit felfe : now ifany thing bee added unto a thing that isexcellent, either the thing mutt beeas excellent, or elf` it detraas from the excellencie of it; but there is no man but will confeffe that theWord is themofl excellent thing in theworld, therefore it mutt follow, that Eloquence aides not totheexcellencyofthe Word. Obieí$. aä But youwill fayunto mee, Maywee not ufe Elo quenïceand Science in thePreachingoftheWord e The fw. 2. To this Ianfwer, That it is an unfeafnaryble thing,' &oî1dnot be I fay, a thingnot feemely, that the Word, be mixt mixt withe. with humane Eloquence , for the pure Word logáCor.enc4 §e. . purely Apoftlefaith, bee delivered: and the if , opened, 2 Corinth... 5. [Preach not any felfe unto you; that is, I. fought not mine owne prayfe by ufing Eloquence of words, butI Preach the Wordpurely, without a- ny mixture of any thing with it : againe, flee faith., z Cor. Y. I7. WhenIcameamongyoti, I came not intbéen- o r 7. ton words of mans w. donne lea the Crate of Chrifi opeied. f f f , ()maidbe ofnone effeé : that is, I camenot with words more for thew than for fubífance ; bee calls the Preaching of the Ward that hath any thing mix- ed with it, whether Wit or Eloquence, but enti What meant finemords fuckwordsas doe rather feed thehumour, by initfin ; J yea's, than worke upon the confcience ofaman.Nowa man ishid to beentifed, whenhe is drawns away from that whichis good,unto that which is either evill abfolute.. ly,or ellenot fogood as that fromwhichhe isdrawn; and the truthis hee that ufethEloquence in theprea@ ._.. eking.