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I OZ 7' eDoglrit2e o f ortil7ication. of Iliad might whet theirTithes uponall the 'tones Simile, ofthePhiliftims : fo a Knitter may fharpen his fa- cultieswithArts. Aman that keepes theepe,he feeds themwithhay, not becaufe helookes that they fhould bring forthhay, but Lambs andWooll ; even fo, let man ufe thefeArtsandlScienees, yet nottobringforth Eloquence, but to make us moreable toPreach the pure Word. It is good therefore that weetake heed that weedoe not ecclipfe theexcellencieof theWord bythefe : Weeknow, appareil though it bee laid in Sirn7 pure gold, yet fo muchas is covered of it, detra from theexcellencieofit, therefore it were better that it were alone : fo it isthe ;Word, though the Word may feemetobee gilded with Eloquence orPhiloio phy, yet it were better that it werealone, for fo much ofitas iscovered withthefe, fomuch oftheexcellená cieoftheWord is hid. Clie17.42, But youwill fayunto me, that wee ufe Eloquence and the like, that men maythebetter conceiveus, and thatour rninifteriemay the betterbee refpeed ; for we finde this kind ofteaching moltpleafeth them,and whichmoft menaffeet, thereforegwe fhall not ufe fuchand fuch phrafes of Eloquence, we Zell be little refpected amongft them. Minifters To this Ianfwer, that every Minifter is, or fhould lhouta not bea Phyfician ; now we know that thepartofawife Pe le op fie quirt; Phyficianis not to fatisfie the humour of hisPatient, tioqucnce. forfo hee may encreafe the difeafe, butto labour to cure himby miniftring fuch Phyficke untohim, as he knowerby experience the necellitie ofthedifeafere- quireth : evenfo, to humourmen inPreaching,is not theway tocure them, or tochange the evill difpofì, tion