Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

7°;eDo rineof Mortification. Io3 tiótt of their nature , but rather a encreafe their difeafe,. and to make themobftina.te and. rebel lious againf} theWord it (hall come home un- tothen: For what is the reafoathat the Word is fo oppofed,when it is Preached (as theA.poitle faith).- by the evidence of theSpirit andrn rower, but becaufe it croffeth their corruptions It comes not inthe fame manner that it was wont to doe : therefore the belle way fhouldbe toPreach in the Spirit 3 that is, toap- plythe pureWordof God unto the Confciences of men, and fo topurge out thefickneffe ofthe foule be- fore it grow incurable. There is a difeafe that many Srtrá' womenhave attheir lomackes, whereby theydefre toeat afhes,.andother things, whichpoyfons nature ;: now if they benot curedof it by purging out the hu- mours that lye there,_ but be fatisfied in ir, it will at laft deftroy them : fo it will bewiththefe men; to fad tisfie them inthis fickneffe of the foule, is not the way to cure them, but tomake them moreincurable : therm fore let Minifters looke that they Preach the pure Word, andnothing but thepure Word ; and let men examine themfelves whether they bee heavenlymin- ded or no, by their tatting and rellifhingof the Word when it is Preached purely without any mixture, or elfewhen it is mixedwithelojuence.. The fourthGonewhereby youmay examine your (., ry.r felvcs whetheryou beheavenlyminded or no, is, to try the opinionandjudgement youhave of heavenly things, how you conceive-offpirituall things. Rom i a. 2. TheApoffle faith, Ai2dbeerenewed iN the fpirit of yourmirsdes, that you may knowwhat that good, and holy,. : ndacceptablewill of Godin ChriFiás ; Flee thit is hea- venly.