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111111111111MW TheDoekineofNIortifleatio4 theworld, yet if it appeare tohim that he hath grace inhisheart, or if heemake anoutward profeflionof love to God, bee doth highly efteeme of him be- caufé ofgrace; on the contrary, if hee fee a great man, though in great honour and&cane with men, yet he refpedshimnot if he want grace : Therefore examineyour felves whether you are able todiftin- guifhofperfons in this kinde. Secondly,forthings ; he is able to judgeofthings whether theybe fpirituall or earthly, he is able now 'Ilse to knowwhat is truth, and toembrace it ; and what is error, and to refufeit ; beehath nowa Touch-11one inhindelfe ; that is, hee bath theSpirit of difcerning, wherebyhemakestryall ofgraces, and layes hold on tholewhichwillendure the touch, thofe heewill re- ceiveas fpirituall ; the other which will not, he cans out as counterfeit : therefore the Apoftle faith, i Cor. . 9.7'heeyebathnotpene,nor theeare heard, neither have coredinto the heart of mm, the things that Godbathprepa.. redfor themthat lovehim that is, heewas not able to judgeofthings in that manneras now heecan. There- fore examine your felves whether there bee a new life put intoyou, wherebyyouare able to judgeof perlons and things in another manner than you did before. Butyouwill fayunto mee, HowMall I know that ORear; my heart is renewed bythe Spirit, and that there is a new life putintome ? 1.0forw To thisIanfwer, thatyou fhall knowwhether yourTf, kno; heart is renewedby the Spirit, by thefe three things : ther the heart &It, by thyaffedions : fecondly,by thy 1peeches : and be renewed tkiirdly, by thyaaions. by the fpirit Fira,