7 PyhisAffe dons; r. 106 ,TheDearinio/Mort,, cot on: 1irff, I fay, thou (hilt know it by thyafelliass. for by thefè thou main: knowwhether thou be hea- venly minded or no : and that thou mai11 not doubt ofit, our Saviour gives the famemarke ofa renewed heart,uw t.6.a i. Whereyour treafiare is,there yaur hearts be alfo youmay know that whereyour heart is there is your treafure, what your heart is fet upon there your affe& ionsate ; for the proper feat of love is theheart. Now if theheart be renewed and rege ncrated by the fpirit, therewill be a love offpirirur all things, and this love will beget heavenlyafleaii.7 ens. Aman may certainly know what eftare he isin, whether hee be regenerate or no by his affeetionss, bow he is afleFed, what love bee beares unto hea- venly things; for there is lifein affe&ions, and as a man that lives knowes that bee lives, fo a man that bath fpirituall love in bis heart towards God cannot . but certainlyknow ir, except it be in time oftemp- tation, and then it may be hemay not find that love ofGod in his heart; but this fcnfeofthe want of the loveofGod is but for atirne,it continues not; ther- ore the holy Ghofl when hee would defcribe ahca. venly minded man, bee defcribes him byhis affeai. ores, as the bell: marke to try him by as Abraham w:.uld command his fervants to ferue God, andNee hemtah teased God,andDavid,`Pfal i z a. r. delighted greatly in the commandements ofGod: now where foredid they obeyGod, and feare God, and delight in theCc,mmandements ofGod,but becaufe oí that inward love they beareuntohim. We know every mancan tell whether he loves fuch a man or fuch a thing, er whether hee batesLiicliamanor Inch a thing