Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Daltriné of Mortifacat oi: ßo9 fo a regenerateman mayhave in the abundanceof his heart,fome chaffe afwell as wheat,fome corruptionof. wel as grace,and,yet be aveffel ofgold;that is,heaven- lyminded:for theApoftle faith,lfaoyman therfarepurge ¡imfelfe,he [hall be a veffell Omar, ar, notwithftanding his corruption inbis heart,&it appeare in his fpeech;yerif he purge himfelfe,ifhe labor tomortifie them,ifhe la- bor to rid hisheart ofthé,he Thal bea veffel ofhonor. But you will fay, It m.ay be that wee (hall havenot obóefl.z;_ alwaies occafions to trymen by their fpeeches, now then (hall we knowwhether their hearts be renewed,: To this I aniwer,It is true,that it may fo fal out that we cannot trymenby their fpeeches, yet filence will tnj r a.; declare inpart what is in the heart ; let, a regenerate manbefilent, and his filence will thew that hee hatha renewedheart ; if hebe reproached or flandred, his patience in fuffering fhowes the uprightnesofhis hart; but ifhe fpéake, it hath a greater force, and will more manifeftly appeare : foon the contrary,the rottenneffe that is in the heart,wil appeare in impatiency offpirir.. Thirdly,youmayknow whether your heartsbe re- 3 newed,by your actions: this alfo our Savior makes :gin- BYhis hai-: other fgne ofa renewed heart;Mat. 7.zo.By theirworks 's yortlhallknow them; that is,by their aetions.Now every thing isknownebyhis actions; therfore examineyour felves what areyour aáîions, are they the adions of the regeneratepart; or of the ueregenerate part, are theyholy actions, orarethey uncleane a&ions r By this you may knowwhether yoube heavenly minded or no. Now this muff neceffarily follow', the otlYr two ; for ifthe heart be renewed,then there will be heavenly affetions in it towards God and fpirituall P 3 thing)