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no o TheDo rive o `Mortifrc4tio . things, and ifheavenly affections, then therewill bee heavenly fpeeches ; for thefe flow fromheavenlyaf fe lons ; and if there beethefe two, then there rnuít needs beeholy actions : therefore our Saviour faith, Luk.6.45. Agoodmanout ofthegood treafureofhis heart, hringethforthgood,fsuit ; th t is,if theheart have in ita treafureof heavenly affe Lions and fpeeches, it can- not bee but it willfend forth good anions inthe life. Thefift and last figne wherebyyou mayexamine your (elves, whether you beheavenly minded or no, is by examiningyour felves how youftand affected towards him that feckes to take thefeearthly members fromyou ; howyou stand affediedwithhim that re- proves you foryour earthlymindedneffe. This is a figne that Paul givesof an unfoundheart, 2 Tim.4.3, The time willcome that they will not endure ivholefome do- cWrine : that is they will not endure the Wordofre- proofe, but will be ready torevile them that ¡hall rem prove them : and therefore hee addes, that they (hall heape to themfefves Teachers ; they¡hall affec`f thofe that ¡hall fpeakefoas they would havethem. Now this is a figneofearthly mindedneífe, when they areoffen- ded with him that ¡hall reprove them for theirfinne; for if menreckon thefe membersas a part of them- felves,thenyou cannottouch them but youmuff touch their lives, for thefearea part oftheir life ; and ifyou fe. ke to take Chef_away, you feeke to take away their lives : now what man will bee contented to part with his life ' It is a principle in Naturethat Godbath im- planted in every creature,to love theirlives;butifyou account them not as a partof your felves, but as your enemies,then youwit account him as a fpiritualfriend that