7'heDo1rineof Mortification.' i . 111 that fliall helpe you to flay them; for who is there that will not love hire that fhall helpe him to flayhis enc- mie ? Thereforedaleheart be heavenlydifpofed, he reckons them as hisenemies ; but ifhe benot renew- cd,hee accounts them as a part ofhimfelfe : therefore examineyour felves by thts,whedher yoube heavenly minded or no. TheUfeof this thatbath beetlefpoken, is for ex- Y% hortation unto all thofe that are heavenly minded : Let mee now exhortfuch to perfevere in heavenly mindedneffe, let them labour togrowevery day more heavenly minded then other. Rev. zz. i r. Let therm Rev.ZZeT that be holy,be holy All ; that is, let thembee moreho- ly, let them labourto grow in heavenly mindedneffe, let them labour to keepe their hearts pure from this earthly mindedneffe,becaufe it will foile their foules for all finne is ofa foiling nature; if it enter into the heart,it will leave a fpot behindeit : now wee know simiII.' that ifa manhavea rich garment whichhe fees much by, heewill be marvellous carefull to keepe all kinde ofgreafe andfpots out of it ; fo it fhouldbee a Chri- fliansduty to labour tokeepe all foileout ofhis foule, becaufe it is aprecious garment, and the refiding place of the Spirit : we know that if a man have one fpot in his garment,it makes him out oflove withir,and then cares not howmany lights upon it ; fo it is with finne, if thou fuffer thy heart to bee fjotted but withone Winne, it will worke carelefnefl"e inthee,fo that hereaf- ter thou wilt notmuch care what fin thou commit,nor how thy foule is foiled : therefore it behoves you to keepe yourhearts fromeveryfinne, and to make con- TheTea[} fcienceof little times. And fomuch the Kather, be- to be avoid. çaufe