4 ITheDidirine C(Mortifieatiesi: The thirdMotivetomove every Chriftian togrtiiv 3 in heavenly mindedneffe, is, becaufe bee may prevaile Ian 6. with Godinprayer : ¡ant.5 . I 6. the Apofile faith, that Theprayer of afaithfia man availeth match, if it bee fervent : that is, it hatha great forcewith God for a blefling : Now this fhould bee a marvellous en- couragement to keepe the heart cleane, in regard of the great neceflitie that the Church bath of our prayers ; and therefore ifwe would not forourfelves prevailewith God,yet in regard ofthegreat need that the Church ftands inat this prefent,wefhould be Ino. ved todoe thisduty. obieM But you will fay, that wee arebut few, orthat I ambutone, andhow canwebeable to prevaile thus withGod. iarofer. To this I anfwer, Grant that you be but a few, yet a few may doe muchgood; Ezek. 22.3o. fpea- E'ek'''3 king of thedeffrudion of jerufalem, fought, fit the Lord, foraMil to fiand in the gappe, andtberewas none : Hee fpeakes there inthe fingular number, if there hadbeenebut one; thatis, but afew,they might have prevailed much with God fo I fay unto you, thoughwe bebut afew, yet if wee keepe our hearts pure, wee maydoe much with God ; nay, though thoubee buta particular perfon, thou maift prevaile muchwith God ; as Mofes didfor the ChildrenofIf rad: when a damme is new broken, the cafting in ofa little dirt will hinder the courfe of water, but if it be not hoipen in time, it will not eafily be ftopr; to intimeafew may prevent a judgement ; nay,fucha judgement as otherwife maydeftroy a whole land; ifthe heart bee truly fandifieci, it hath a great force with