Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Ii8 flow tE mortiße For IS atioi: 5, and concupifcence which is thereinfiriving toMake perfidour holineffe in the feare of the Lord t and fo mote fullyalfo in i Thef4.3.4,5 . he fets dowe the particular uncleanneffes fhould be abflained from, and mentions twoofthevery fame fpokenofinmy Text,namely,Fornication,and luft ofconcupifcence thewords are (for they are worthy your marking) This is the willofGod,evexyour findiftation, that ps JhouWaJlainefront fornication that every rove- ofyou &coldknow bow topogefe his veffilltssfaidliption and konotir,not in the loftof concapifeence,dre. and therfore weought to mortifie and deflroy all the filthineffe that is in our hearts, if wee would bee accounted Gods children, and have his Spirit to dwell in vs. But that for thegenerall : we come toparticulars; andwill fpeakeofthe fiat firme that is named in the Text, Fornication : whence the poybt of Doaline is this, That Tog. Fornication is one of the finsthat arehere to be onor= Fornication Fornication is a finne betweene two fingleper-: what agrie- fons, and in that it differs from Adultery : and al.: yetis finne, though it benotaltogether fohayty)thas Adultery, becaufeby it theCovenant of God is no:. violatedas by theother fpokenof,Prev.a. 7. neither finde wee thepuniihment abfolutely tobeedeath, yet iris a grievous finne, and tobee feared, in that it fubjeets thofe men that are guiltyofit to theeurfe of God Cor.6. anddamnation : for the Apofila faith, cer.6.9. Na I 2, fornicatorfrailenter into the kinsolotneofheaven; Itde- prives a man of happincik3 buifhes im out of