r-'------ ` Nor to morn e Fornication. 119 Gods kingelome intothe dominion of the Devill, and territories of hell, never tobee exempted from the intolerable torments ofGods eternal vengeance. But to lay open thehaynoufneffe of this finne wee will confider thefe foure things: Thirdly, the danger pares &II an great contrariety that it hath with TAintinif.cualttl`i Gods Spirit, more than all other finales. Betwixt on. Gods Spirit and every finne, there is acerraine con- trarietyand repugnancy, as in nature we know there is betwixt heat andcold ; now in all contraries an intenkdegree is more repugnant than a remifre, as anintenfe heat is more contrary than an heat in a leffedegree ; foit is with Gods Spirit and this finne, they are contrary inan intenfe degree,and therefore moil repugnant unto ; for theSpirit delights inho- lineffe, and this finne innothing but filthinefre ; that is pureand undefiled, but this bath agreat deformi- ty in it, and thereforeconfequently muft needs bee odious in his eyes. Befides, this is contrary toour Againe,it cautes agreat elongation fromGod, it a snakes a firangeneffe betwixt God andus ; all fine is anaverfion fromGod, it turnes aman quite away from him, but this finne more than any other, it is more delighted in, weehave agreater delight in the aaim ofthis finne than inany other and therefore it