Hod to moliifze Fornicat on; 115 Fourhly, the haynoufneffe of this finnewill be dif 4 covered, if wee confider the deeeitfulneffe of it : it The f ®r: dothfo bewitchus, that we will hardly beperfwaded n;cact ®,,, that it is a finne ; now if wee will not beleeveit tobee a fine, much let%will wee bee brought to leave the fweetneífe of it, to forfzke the pleafure wee finde in it. Befides , the Devill, that old Serpent, bee cornes and tells it is either no finne at, all, orelfe but afinal' finne, andmaybe eafily left; wee may turne from it when wee.pleafe ; and fo he dandles us till wegrow to filch anheight, as wecbecome infenfible andhard- tied init. Here therefore I will laydowse thedeceits Deceit, ofthe thatSatan ufeth tobeguileus in this finne, which be- Devil! difco ìng deteìed,wemay theeafilherfliunneandavoyd this vereda deteftableandbewitchinguncleanneffe. Thefirfl deceit wherewith Satanufeth to beguile Deceit r Hope ofre. us, is, Hope ®f repentance ; wee thinke wee can repent whenwee lift,, that that is in our owne power, for God will upon any of ourprayers bee heardof us ; heaven gate will bee openat firft knocke ; and there- fore I'lecommit thisfine to day, and tomorrow be- takemy f lfe to myprayers, andall than.be well. But bewareof this, left yoube deceived, Godwill not by mocked ; if you will finne today, perhaps youMall not live to repenttill to morrow ; or fuppofe thou doff live,yet he that is unfit to day, will be moreun- fit to morrow : God cannot endure a man that will fall into thefame finne againeand againe, for he fides it, Dent. 29. 19. addingdrunkenneffe to th rFt ; thatis, Dcut,zy.iA never leavedrinking till wee beeathirfta at; that which fhouldextinguiih and abate oq.r thirtt, is made the ineanes toincreafe and enflame it NowwhAtp N V. 3 nillannent