Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

4 11 126 Howto mortijf Fornication, nifhrnent followes filchas doe fo, you read in thenext verCe, and 'tis a fearefull puniihment ; The Lordnull not !parehim, andthen the anger of the Lordandhisjea- lanfiefball f noke againYt that man, andaltthecurts that are written in this booke fialllye upon hare, andthe Lord 'hall blot out his namefromunder heaven : who is there among you that would not bee terrified at this fen- tence ? Surely his heart is of Adamant, nothing can pierce it, ifthisBoth not: 'tis a fearefull thing to fall into thehands of the living God : Beware then ofdo- ingthus, goe not on in time upon hope to repent at your pleafure, left before you thinke it time for your pleafureto doe it in, thehand ofthe Lordbe flretched out upon thee, and his jealoufie frnoke againft thee, orone of (ifnotall) his curies light upon thee. A man would take it ill if his neighbour fhould wrong him today, and asfoone as he haddone askepardon, and yet wrong him againe the next day in the fame kinde, and then aske pardon againe, and fo thethird, and fourth, and forward ; even fo it iswith God, we fall into this finne to day, andperhapsat night begge pardonof him, yet to morrowcommitthe fame finne over againe, as if wee had asked leave to finne the freer; take heed of this, doenot bleffe thyfelfe in thy heart, Paying, IiI- a l havepcace, or I ¡hall repent when I lift, for feire left God prefently blot out thy namefromunderheaven. Againe, Hopeofafter-repentancedoth lead many menontothe commiilion of this finne ; theyhope theymay repent before death, it is a great wl ilerill this come, therefore tiny° enough to doethis in. But this Godbath threatned you heardeven now in the place