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tjr-lOeFoftV- Pt: without all feareor remorfe, hebeares with thembut that he maymake his power known; andeminent,by bringinga greater judgementon them at the laft : as !toms). theApoftle faith, ROM.9 .22. What if God, wiling to thew hiswrath, molt° makehispowerknomne, enolitrea'w.ab mach long-fifering,theveffelsof wrath_fittedto ilefiruai- on There is atime that the wicked mutt beefitting, andbe apreparing for their defiruCtion ; which once con, let th:'m bee fare afterward Godwill manifeft his power, will compenfate his much long-fliffering with thegreatneffe of the judgement hee brings on them : Now it is a fearefull thing, and a dangerous cafe, when God fullers a man thus to grow andthrive in his lime, that fo his judgement may be thegrea- ter. Confider thirdly, that fuchgoeonin theirfinwhich hope toefcape ; becaufe theyarc not prefently puni- fhed, they abufe the patience and long-fuffering of God : Now themanifeftationof Gods Attributes, ìs hisName, andwho foabufe them, takehis Name in vaine ; and you know, Godwill not heldhimgitiltlefe that taketh his nameinvaine. Let filch then as thus a- bufe thepatience of God, thinke not that they fhall e- fcape the judgement of God, but remember to take intoconfideration that place of theApoftle,Rom.2.4., Acat.'416. 5,6. where it is laid, Defpifé3 they, o man, the richesof hisgoodneffe,and forbearance, and loitg,:fiiffering,nat know- ing that the rotinefe of God leadeth thee to repentance? But after thy kardnelleand impenitent heart treaforefi rip wroth)? felfe wrathagainfi the dayofwrath, andrevelation oftherighteosa judgement of God; whowill render unto e- veryman occordingtohis deeds. Fice fhall afruredly pay f'or -aseswasNI111111111110111