Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

134 How to tavortife Fornic4tro). before he durff commit boldly for thirtypeaces of fil° ver, yet now it drives him to defperation and pre- fent hanging himfelfe. Wee muff pray therefore for theSpirit toenlightenus, that fowee may fee the fil- thineffe ofthis finne, and be no more ir, as if it were eitherbut a fmall finne, or hardly any at all, as manymen think,andourcarnall reafon would perfwade usunto. Dcccït 5. The fifthandlafl Deceit, wherebyoiir cunning ad- *Opp Ct sc' verfary, the Devill, labours tobeguileus 'withall, is, cr.cie. ,Hope offecrecie : Men commit this in private; no fpe- eiators, no fecretaries ¡hall be intrufted therewith, the innermoft clofets, and molt retired roormes, are the places deflinated for this work, and the time com- monly is themoft obfcure and blackeft feafon, the night ; and indeed not unfitly, for itis a deed ofdark- mire : yet let all finch 'asbeguilty hereof, let them lay to heart thefefollowingconfederations : Confider firft, though theybe never foprivate and fecret in ir, yet God fees it ; they cannot ¡hut out his eyes, though theymay the lightof theSunne ; hee knowes it, and then it ¡hallbe revealed : that which D'a, e.4. is faidof Almes,Mat. 6.4. mayvery truly beefaid of this, Thy Father which feeth in fecret, himfelfe (hill re- wi rd thee openly : fo,God that feeth thy fecret Adulte- ry or Fornication, he will reward it, he will punifh it openly, See i, forexample in Davidsadultery with sam.! E.Io, Bath/heba, 2Sam. I z. io, iX, 12. theretheLordfaith, Fecar f e thouhatdefpi fedmee, andhaft taken the rani feofY rich theHittite, to bethy vv. f e ; Behold, Iwillrai f up mill fgainiltheeout of thine ownehoei,andtwill take thy wives Before thineeyesírndgive thermunto thy torighbour, 4ndhee (halt