Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

How to mortifie Fornication: I3 5 fbadlye with thy wives in the fight of this Sumrte ; for tboaa diddesl rtfecretly, but ; 7vill doe this ih:tg before all lfrael, gradbefore the Smile. See the J iflice of God inpunifh- ing ; becaufe Daviddid it f.cretly, andufed all man- ner of meanes toconceal it,as makingYriah drunk; and thin tending him tohis wife to lyewith her, that fo it might beehidden, yet Godwith-heldhim from her, and fobrought it about that Davidhad no way to cover his finne; thereforealfö becaufe Davidlabou- red tokecpe it clofe and fecret from all men, beewill makehis punithment publike and manifeft to all If- raeil : Againe, God faith, Beta:fe thou hail defifedme, 6.c. whence obferve, in this fecret committing offin, a mandothdefpife God ina more efpeciall manner ; for hee feares more the fight thanthe fight of God, in that hee labours to cónceale and hide it from the eyesof men, but caresnot thougl r God looke on, as if heeeither would faynothing, or regarded not at all his finne : But Godbath faid, Them that honour mee,' sata'`p " °' dmill honour; and they that defpfeme,jhallbe lightly eflee- med : that is, they Mall bedefpifcd. Confider fccondly, the divers and manifold wayes Godbath to reveale it, though menbee never fo clofe and fecret, and ufeall pofble meanes to hide their firmé, as faireoutward civility, afeeming to hate fuch afilthynotorious wickedneffe, or any thing elfe an hypocritical! heart can invent, yet God hath fu:: drywayes todeteâ theirfilthineffe,and lay open their hypocriCe : As firfl, by fenfible things, when there is no perfon neere tofee it, yet thevery birds and beafts have revealed it : fecondly, beegives themup toare- probate fenfe, andthea intheend, though they have Iona