Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

I38 How to tnordife Fníc4tion. hyother Wettings, as wealth, honours and preforre. ments,yet ifan arrowcome out of Gods quiver, dipt in the venomeofhiswrath, bee it never foflight an affliCion,ir will wound dead ly. See thisin riwofir, who though the theekeft maunpon earth,and high- ly in Gods favour,yerhe for his impaciency had his croffe in that which he moll defired,even in that he fhould not enter intothe ;andofCanaan. S:nnecon- ceiving mull needs bring forth farrow, and though it lboubi faile inall other things, yethere it is true, he that fowes fin thai befure to reap afitelion ; this is the daughter,th is is the fruit alwatei ot fuch a trio. therbeware thet torehow you take pains to ferve fin, for he that does fo,fhall be lure tohave for his wa . ges forrow andafflidions,nay death it fell, as the A. pofile faith,thewages offinise is death.A finnefull man, one that is guilty of this finne or anyother, is likea malefa&or that bath already fuffered the fentencc ofeondemnation topaffe uponhim, and thereby is lyable to punifhmeat when ever it fhall pleafe the. Judge to fend awarrant,hemay be called to exccu. non everyhoure, unleffe in the meane time he hath fued forth his pardon ; even fo it is with the firmer, he is fubita ro thewrathof God, when ever God shall pleafe to fend forthhis warrant againft him, he muft be brought toexecution,hehathno affurance, nopower ofrefiftance till hee hath got hispardon. Therefore let every oneof us labour to procure our pardons in and by Iefus Chrift,that ro weemay not thus lyeopen to the wrathofGod which will con . ftimeuswhen ever he alai but pleafe tofay the. word inan inflante