Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

14c How to rnortij c Foru cation: to : what though God inhis mercy hash faved others; mull he alfo therefore fare thee, that wilt not repetir, b:;t prefurnefl onhis mercies:' he cals foinetimes thole whichhave beene many degrees worfe thanothers, whomhebathpaffed by, and thatto film his power ofthePotter over the pot (heard but what is this to thee ' looke thou tothy felfe ;. ufe the meanes, come untohim by true repentance, and cleanfe thy .felfe from thy filthineffe, and thou fhait bee fire to fihde mercy. Thefecond Üfe to bee madehereof; (nail be to periwade everyone, not onelyto ceafe from thead of fo filthyaftine, butalfoto;motifietlefe corrup- tions,whichare the fource and fountaine from whence there all uncleane actions come : There may bee a reflraining of our hulls andcorruptions, but iris but for a time , it will breake forth againe; or perhaps there may bee an abhorrencyand contrariety of one mans nature from this finne, but this is not out ofa- ny hatred to the time it felfe, but a-forbearance of thead, becaufe his nature cannot abide it,or forfome other ley-refpel, as credit and reputation amongft men ; but this is not tomortifie them : for mortifi- cation is then true andperfect, when there is a con- trary life,; that is, when aman that before was un- chafle, now if his lullsbee mortified, he lives quite contrary to that, and is nowwholly chafle andunde- sled : slow this cannot rightly be (.aid tobe in a man where there is but onelya refiraint of his Lifts. As in a tree, it is in vaine to cut offthe top-boughs, fo to kill it ; unleffe the roots be plucked up, it will grow againe; therefore awnbeginneat the root to flub up the