Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Cori;èïs: that deceit, . Pre fnt impunity, Confederations again it; 3, Prefentfwcetneffezn fnneä Confiderateons agaínfi it, . í2,6,r27 p. 129 p. 130 p.13ä p. 13z 4. The falfeneffe ofcommon opinionandiarnallreifen; 5. Hopeof fecrecie, 13 . Confderations ,;gainfl it, P P 13; USE T. 3S: To exhort dmen to cleanfethemflvesfr thisf.-ilthine; USE a. p'137 á operfrvadeallmen tomortifie the inwardcorrtrptien,afivell as toabïlainefrom the outward aélion, p, 14.0 Tryals whetherthis lull bernortificd: t, 41vniverfillchange, P. 141 a. An hate an loathing to thisfirne 3. Aconfiantkeepingour felvesfrom the cling o f this finne, P. 14 Moines againfl Fornication : a. For filch as have beeneaddie/edto thisfin ; Let the 1. Get an humble heart, p 144. 2. Labour tobrie theirhearts to love God, who oath forgivengreat alinne, 3. Beware left Satan beguile them. 2. For thole thatJu lllive it thisfine Let them I Labour toget aaranceofpardon. 2 Fndevoísr to have arenfe and fclingoftheirfinite; p. 3 Lay holdon the,andapply them. 146 rfe abfltnence ac, dfalling, p. t47