Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

How to morta a Forn$cca-tson i -5 Secondly, labour to bring thy heart to fogood a paife,that thoumaift love God exceedingly,whohath cirser g® forgiven thee fo great a finner. It is fayd ofthewoo man in the Gofpell,towhommuch was forgiven,that thee lovedmrick : A great dealeis forgiven thee, be- yond what thydeferts are, 'doethou therefore fo too : Love much, love Chriff that hathbeenea Mediatour toprocure this thy finne to be forgiven ; love God much, who hath beene fo mercifull as togrant thee, pardonand remiilionoffinnes for Chrift thy Saviours fake. Thirdly, take heed left Satanbeguile thee,and bring t teanea thee into thefame finne againe : youknowwhat Saint Peter faith, z Pet.5.8. where he exhorceth thebrethren tobefiberandvigilant, from noother reafonbut ooly pa. 5.y- this, Pecaatifeyottr adverfary the devil', ara a a roarin- Lion v+alketh abotet reeking whom heemazydevotare : the fame ¡hall be my argumentof perfwafion unto all of you, tobeware of the Divell, to looke to your felves, left heethoulddeceive you, and entice you into the fame finne againe. Secondly,for thole thatare guilty ofthis finne flill, For loch butwouldfainebe ridofthefore burthen which lyes are guiltyof; heavy upon their Confciences ; Let themufe thefe this finne. helpes : Firft, labourtoget affuranceof thepardon andfor- Ilelpe á giveneffeofit : Noman canbeaffured of the loveof Chriff, till hebeaffuredof his love and favour in the free pardoningand remiilion of his finnes : for how cana man have peace andquietneffewithout this, hee isfìll infeareof Gods-wrathand vengeance to light upon him, andwhere there is fucha ferre anddread, V it