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346 How to tortifae Fornication, It is not likely there fhould bee any love. And there fore in The firft placegetthy fìnnes pardoned. Helpe 2: Secondly, labour tohave a fenfe and feelingof thy finne ; this is achiefe thing tobeobtained ; for where there isno fenfe, therecannot be any remarkor for- row for finne, without which there can beno turning from finne, tx ueh leffe any hatred and deteftation of it. Now this fenfe and feeliing is wrought in us by Gods Spirit, andthereforethou mutt goe to God by trueandhearty prayer, that heewouldbeepleafed to . illuminate thee byhis Spirit,that fo thou maift fee the miferable andwretched condition thou art in byrea- fonof this finne. krelpe 37. Thirdly, layholdon the Promifes,and apply them . to thy fenfe, make them thine owne ; for whatfoever a mans finnes bee, if heecancome to thirft afterpar- don,to delire that before other things in a right way, and to a right end, then hee may be fure he path the Promifes belonging unto him : If he will take them they are his owne; Chrift ishis, if he will takehim, only hemutt takehimaright, as well to be hisLord, as his Redeemer : his Lord, togoverne and'rule him byhis Lawes and Commandements, as well as his Redeemer, to fave him by themerit of his death and. pairion. Chrift offershimfelfe to him, Revel.22.17. faying,Let him that is athirFt, core ; aNdu'ho foever will,. eye t2, r 7, lethim take thewaters of 11 .0freely : and what greater lovecan Chrift fhew,than to fet himfelfe out forall to takehim, and that freely too ' In thedyes of his fiefh, whohad more good byhim than the Publicans and fanners a themhe called,them he faved : thepoore difeafed.wretches, iow ready was hee tohealethem even-