Bon, to morfifieFortnottim '47 even fohe is (till, hee is every whit as ready to fave thee, to healethee,as he was them, ifthou wilt come unto him, andendevour to lay hold onhim. To neg. Chrift thus offered unto thee, is to trample under iieb-zo foot the Sonne of God, and to count theblondof the Cove- nant an unholy thing, 29. now what thinke ye Thal! bedone unto fuch e read that place, and you fhall finde, that a muchforer punifhment than death without mercy theyareworthyof, andare likely toun- dergoe. You read what wasdone to thofe that defpi.. fed the invitation of the King to his Marriage-feaft, ziatth.22.7 . WhentheKing beardthereof hee wad wroth, math, and foot forthhis armies, anddefiroyed thofè rntsrtberers, andburnt up their City. In like manner will bee deale with thee ; if thou defpifeft theoffer ofhis gracious Promifes now made to thee, beewill account thee but as a murtherer, and will deilroy both theeand thy City; that is, all that belongs unto thee. Take heed therefore that thou nowlayell hold on his Promifes, andmakellthem thine owne. Fourthly, Ufeabflinencie and failing, for thereby thoumay ft get themafleryover thy finne ; give it al- e Pe 4. togetherperemptorydenials, fuffer it not to delight thee inthe lea cogitation and tickling conceit : It will be eafie toabftainefeomit, when the denial! is peremptory; ifwe cannot put out a fparke,how (hail weput out a flame e If wee get not the maflery over the firit-rnotion to finne, much leffe fhall wee beable toovercome it when it is brought to maturity in adi- on : Sinne is like the water, give it the leaft way and Sle. we cannot flay it, runneit will in defpighrof us : and mas a ftwame rifeth by littleandlittle, one fhowreen. V z creating