Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

dote to mortifie Fornication: 151 when the HolyGhoff, in the formeofcloven tongues came upon them,as ye mayread in the farne chapter. And therefore all() when we finde weakeneffe in our hearts, let us know that wee have not beene fo fully baptizedwith the Holy G:;ofl,as wemay be ;accor- ding to that ache Apoílle,s Tim. I.7. God bath not given as theSpirit offeare,but ofpower, &c. when the Spirit is powerful' In us it will inflame us with the love of God,it keeps men in fobriety.Therefore art thouweake ? art thou cold in holy performances ? labour tobee baptifed with the Holy Gholl more fully : Johnwas compaffed about with the Spirit as with a garment,Rev.I. io.So fhould we be,forwith-: out thiswe arebut naked: God kept igimeleech from fìn,fohewill keepe us if we have his Spirit : And Davidwasbound in thebond ofthe Spirit, now the Spirit is likea bond for twocaufes : $rkeverybond mull be without us, and fo is Gods Spirit, it ishis and not ours withinus: fecondly,every bond keeps the thing that is bound in; and fo dothGods Spirit, it rearaines us,it keeps us inwhen as otherwife wee would renne into all_exce ffe ofriot. And therefore let us pray heartily and labour earnefily to be bap- tizedwi h theHoly Ghoft.