Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

I2 ck ee.46A9d6d6c:cce t.2Yst`aga otm tiElt3W5emNEltum * P9PY1P9P,P` HOW TO MQRTIFIE uNcLEAxNES, COLOSSIANS 3. 5. Mortifie thereforeyour members whichare upon theearth Fornication, V icleannefe, inordinateaffection, evil Concupifcence,andCovetottfnef,rvluichis Idolatry, Avinghandled the DoctrineofMor- tification ingenerali, as alfocothe to fore particulars, namely, that of Fornication ; it now remaineth that in thenext place, following theme- thod and order of the Apoftle, I come to thenext particular finne named in the Text, Yncleannege : Andbecaufe thefetwo finnes doe inma- nythings coincidere, and differ not greatly inany thing that I can fet downe as meanes to prevent them, for what pathbeene laidof the one may ferve for the o- ther ; therefore 1 [hall be the briefer is this,andmay p.rchance make ufeofforce of the things [poken for- merlyin thechfcovering of thehaynoufnefïe of For. nication: