The Contents'. Refolveagainfi it, 143 6. Proportion the remedy to thedireaP; p.14.9 7. Turne their delights to Godandheavenly things 3. LA' ccujtome themfelves to frequent prayer. P.15° Of VNCL E ANNE Ss DOCTR. 1. VNcleanneffi is one of the flunes tf,at arehere to 14 morti[ied, P.153 The haynoutneffeof thefin ofu,ncleanneffe,appears 1. Becaufeit makes the finner herein, a manofdeath _¡ e. Becaufeit is afinne again fi Nature. 3. Becaufeit is againft onesfelfe,asfelfe-murder: 4. Becaufe God makes it apuniflment °father flames; P. 154 The deceits of Satan todrawmen into this fin, are 1. Hope ofafter-repentance. What repentance is, P. 15, 2. Thedeferring: ofpitnihment. 3. The common opinionof this Pose; p.156 4. hepr,vatenejle andficrecie thereof. 5. Theprefint delight they finde in it, P. 157 OfEvil CONCVPISCENCE: DOCT. L End Conctapifience ts a jin,c to bee foortOeel,: pag.187 Rearons