Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

1111111111M,,.... Here to Mort*Vniteriiii Je ! S5 Againk the light of Nature; asEzech.24. r6. Someof man, yehold, l takefrom thee the defireof thine eyes :with a Jlroake yet neither !halt thou nmourne nor weepe, wither IbaIl thy tearer tonne down ; that is, ifman will refufe the time of repentance which God dothoffer untohim; whenhe would repent thenGod clothdenyhim : It is not-inhim that willeth, nor in him that runneth, butof God: Godwill havemercies:pon whew late will haveser- Cie, Rern.9. i 6. Now to fhewwhat Repentance s : Repentance is a changeof theheart, whereby is man is6e- What Repeat comea nëw creature, having an inward ofei?ion to that t"'"' which isgood, and a loathing anddetefiation ofthat which is bad, To Chew that Repentance is the changeof the heart, fey. how the Prophet Hofea, chapt.7.14. dothre- igof.7,T4. prove the Ifraelites for theirhowling on their beds, be- caufe their Repentance was not from their hearts ; they did howle much, as it were, for their finnes, but yettheir Repentancewas not from theheart, and ther- forenothing availeable to them. True Repentance Both turne thedifpofition ofthe heart of aman ano- therway thenit went before. Another meanes that Satan ufeth to deludethe The fecond hearts ofmen, andcaufethem to be fet uponevill, is, deceit of s becaufe they doe not fee thepunifhment duefor finne tan, to be prefently executed upon fanners : For Anfwer of this ; In that God Both(paretopunifh finne, no manhath caufe to joy in it. Godis mercifull, and. Both beare many times a long whilewithmen not to punifh them for finne, to fee if they will returne un- tohim, and repent : But as long as mandoth continue in any finne without repentance, fo long dothhee a- X z buf