Horá tovertifieVncleone,p. I57 when they can commitit in fecret, then will theybee bold to doeit : Butco fidcr, Goafees in jeerer, and Matth.ß.4; hewill reward themopenly : Mat .6.q..Give thinealmes infecret, andthy father that is in fecret nnallrevárdtbee o- penly . Nowwee may judge by the ruleofcoiitrarie- ies, that if Goddoe feeAlmes that aredone in pri- vate, and will reward them openly,may not we thinke thathe will doe the likeof finne : For fo hee didby 25,tra It ¢ David, bee (pared not him though he were his owne fervant : z Saran. i z. Thorn didf this f nne fecretly, but I willdoethis thing beforeall Ifrael, and before the Sunne. And thusthey goe on boldly in this finne, thinking they fhall efcapewell enough ifthey candoe it fecret-. ly, and not bee feeneof men ; but they in this defpi- ling of God,make Godto defpife them. Conf der,oh man, the many wayes God bath to reveale finne that is committed in fecret :. cclef. r o. zo croft notthe Eccicf. io.zo. King, nonot,in thy thought ; andcurfe not the rich, no not in thy bed-chamber ;fir abirdof thegyrefhallcarry thevoyce, andthat which bathwings fhalltell thematter. Sinne that bathbeetle committed in fecret, í1!a11 bee difcovered bywayesthat a man thought unpoifible : Eviti men areas a glaffe that is fodered together ; as foone`as the father is melted, theglafie doth fall in peeces: So they that are companions inevill,may for a time be true the one to the other, but yet the Lord will one way or o- ther difcover their iniquities, fo that they fhall fall in peeces,likea broken potfharde ; yea, perhaps the Siu- ner himfelfe Qhali confeffe his Chine, as ludvdid. ir ccesc The Taft Deceit which Satan dothufe to provoke T sarane ifc d. men unto this finne, is with theprefent delight which theybave unto xt : To this I anfwer, as Chrift in brat.