Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Igg How tomorttife Tncleannefe; Mat.5.27. Thoufhalt not commit adulterie, forwho fever lookethupon a woman to luft after her hashcommitted adul- tery alreadywithberiohis heart. tftby righteyeBendthee, pluckeit out andc, ftitfrom thee,for it isprofitable that one ofthy members fhould pertfh, and not that thy wholebodie _oaldbecalf intohellfire. Therefore, I fay,itwere bet. ter for thee toleave thy delight,thanto have thyfoule damned inhell for ever : by lea\ ing thy finne thou dolt notleave thydelight, for then thou haft a new heart, new delires and affe&ions to delight inbetter things; fo that the forfaking offinne is but a changeof delight, and thole finnes whichhave thegreater de- light in them, (hall have the greaterrorment, as Both appeareout ofRevel.18. 7. concerning Babylon, The morepleafiirefhe had, themore fhouldher torments and f r. reaves be. Thus have I difpatched, inbriefe, this finneof un-: cleanneffe, infiftingand inlarging onely fome twoor three ofthe Deceits whereby the devill doth beguile thefonnes ofmen, and lead them captive to thecoin -. millionof this flavifh andabominable finne for mo- tives and helpesagaint't it,I referreyou to thole Ipro. duced in thehandling ofFornication.. FINIS.