Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

E® to Mirtifie with the Heathen, they thought there was noSime in ir. Avfon i. The &II reafon is,IfOnscopifcencedoe cleaveunto a man , that is, evill inclinations which thefirde by finne is bent unto,then aauallfinne wil follow,which is the fruit of this concupifcence : It is as a fparke of fire, which being let alone, will growgreater and greater, and likea leven, though little at the firft,yet doth it leven the whole lumpe , fo that it doth pro. duce the works ofthe flab, and therefore it is to be mortified. 2tmf:9,1 2, The feçond reafon is, although a man doe not fall into aduall finne prefently, , after there is concti- the heart, yetbeing unmortified, it hideth thefinneii a man, and fo defiles him, andmakes him proane toan evill difpofition, and alfotobe abomi- nable before God : Therefore mortifie concupifiynce before it come tohave vigour and ftrength in thee. A man is faid tobe an evill man, when hee is di- ftraded fromGoodto Evil!, nowevill cociipipence makesa man to befo. There are evill inclinations in a good man, and yet it is by way ofAntitbefis, it is not his complexi- on and conflitution to have them. Now an evill man hath concupifcence and the fame is his com- plexion, andconftitution fo tobe : Therefore ifevill concupifcence benot mortified , it makes aman to, bebad , and in this regard wee ought tocleanfe our felvesfrom the pollution, of thisfinne. The third reafon is, Evil concupifcencebeing in a Yssajro4 3. man, it doth marreall his good adions. To mingle winter with wine, it makes the wine the worfi; To mingle droffe